JSE School Counseling
Kelli Nehf
1st Grade and 2nd Grade Counselor
I am very excited to be working with the students at JSE this year! My undergraduate degree is in Psychology from Maryville College and my Master's Degree is from Lincoln Memorial University. I also received my Ed.S. in Collaboration and Leadership in Counseling from Carson-Newman University. I have been a school counselor since the Fall of 2012. When I am not at work, you can find me spending time with my husband and three kids. We enjoy traveling, playing sports, and reading books! It is going to be a great school year at JSE!
Kristin Garza
PreK, K and 3rd Grade Counselor
I am very excited to be a member of the JSE Fox family by serving as the school counselor for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 3rd grades this year! I began my school counseling career in 2015 and have worked at the intermediate, middle, and high school levels prior to coming to JSE. I am married with two sons and we love playing outside and spending time in the mountains. I look forward to a wonderful school year with the amazing JSE students and staff!
We work alongside teachers and families to help students develop socially and emotionally, and to help remove any barriers to learning!
We provide:
- Classroom lessons teaching social skills, how to take care of strong feelings and how to regulate, friendship skills, self-control, growth mindset, etc.
- Short-term individual counseling
- Counseling groups throughout the year focusing on: friendship skills, social skills, family changes (banana splits), grief/loss, and self-control
- Consultation with parents and teachers
- Parent workshops
- Community resource referrals (including long term therapy services)
- Schoolwide initiatives
- Self-referral
- Teacher, admin or other staff referral
- Parent/guardian referral
*Confidentiality and your family’s privacy are important to us. What you or your child discuss with a counselor is private except in cases required by law (when abuse or neglect are suspected).
2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR
Each 9 weeks of the school year will have a focus on social emotional learning. For the 2023-2024 school year, we will focus on Respect, Self-Control, Kindness, and Taking Ownership.
Click HERE to access the Maryville City Schools Family Resource Center page.